
Our Team

At SOQ International Academy Pte Ltd (“SOQ”), our philosophy of Success Of Quality applies across the whole organisation. As a custodian of academic quality and an advocate of continuous professional development, our appointed representatives pledge to discharge their roles and responsibilities in accordance with the Private Education Regulations. These include:


Academic Board comprises members responsible for academic quality and the rigour of Post Education Institution (PEI). It has the following duties:

  1. Incorporate policies, guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure academic quality and rigour fulfil, but not limited to, the following:
  1. Formulate and review policies, guidelines and SOPs for both WSQ and non-WSQ in training, assessment and courseware and/or programme development in the beauty and wellness industry via instituting selection criteria for adult educators and courseware developers;
  2. Setting and maintaining the highest standards in relation to these policies, guidelines and SOPs;
  3. Advise the Management on matters which are relevant to the workforce skills training, academic and educational work of SOQ;
  4. Formulate and review SOPs for monitoring the compliance to the Skills Framework (SFw) for Retail’s competency standards and ITEC’s standards policies.
  5. Make recommendations to the Management on any major changes to the academic structure of the Academy.
  6. Set requirements for the admission and registration of students;
  7. Set standards for examinations and assessments;
  8. Approve the conferment of award of WSQ and Non-WSQ qualifications such as certificates and diplomas; and
  9. The deployment of adult educators based on the requirements as stipulated by the CPE.
  10. Facilitating the PEI’s implementation and compliance with the policies and SOPs developed; and
  11. Reviewing, at least once a year, the academic policies and SOPs.

SOQ’s Academic Board members are:

  1. Lim Siong Chian, Chairman
  2. Ng Yoke Heong, Member
  3. Tan Sue Hwee, Member


Members in Examination Board are responsible for the development of examination and assessment guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs). Among others, the Board is commissioned to perform the following:

  1. Define the purpose, methods, and schedule of assessment tasks;
  2. Set assessment process and criteria;
  3. Set marking conventions;
  4. Ensure the conduct of assessments follows the WSQ principles of assessment and rules of evidence;
  5. Decide the rights of appeal and associated fee where applicable; 
  6. Handle appeals from students with regard to assessment matters; and
  7. Advise on the overall direction of the Academy’s qualifications strategy;

SOQ’s Examination Board members are:

  1. Ng Yoke Heong, Chairman
  2. Lim Siong Chian, Member
  3. Tan Sue Hwee, Member


The role of PEI Managers is oversee the day-to-day functioning of SOQ. Consequently, their roles are pivotal to ensure successful maintenance of standards in corporate governance and information disclosure. SOQ’s PEI Managers are:

  1. Ms Ng Yoke Heong, Director
  2. Mr Lim Siong Chian, Director




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