
Category Archives: Career Development

WSQ Courses | Retail and Soft Skills

Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) is a national credential system that trains, develops, assesses and certifies skills and competencies for the workforce. WSQ Courses take reference from the skills developed under the Skills Frameworks. The Skills Framework provides key information on the job roles and skills that an individual needs to perform various job tasks and […]

Work Study Diploma | Diploma in International Business Development

6 Months Work Study Diploma | The program offers students an opportunity to understand the technical know-how about starting and running his or her own business as well as the expectations of employers from employees especially in this ever-changing business dispensation. This program does not only deal with local businesses as case study. It is […]

6 Reasons why a Diploma is Important

Diploma courses can provide a variety of advantages, ranging from flexibility and affordability to professional skill requirements for various occupations. Additionally, because diplomas are shorter than college degrees, you can earn many diplomas in the same field. 1. Diploma courses are industry-oriented Most conventional college degrees involve a fair amount of theoretical studies, much of […]



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